
[팁] 플래시에서 사용되는 키보드 키 코드(Keyboard Key Code)와 ASCII 코드 값!

MissFlash 2007. 7. 6. 02:06
* 본 팁은 Adobe에서 제공하는 문서를 참조한 것입니다.
* 문서 원본 보기 : http://www.urlclip.net/flashkeycode

플래시에서 사용되는 키보드 키 코드(Keyboard Key Code)ASCII 코드 값입니다.
아래의 테이블을 참고하시면 됩니다. ^_^

Letters A to Z and standard numbers 0 to 9

The following table lists the keys on a standard keyboard for the letters A to Z and the numbers 0 to 9, with the corresponding key code values that are used to identify the keys in ActionScript:
Letter or number key Key code ASCII key code
A 65 65
B 66 66
C 67 67
D 68 68
E 69 69
F 70 70
G 71 71
H 72 72
I 73 73
J 74 74
K 75 75
L 76 76
M 77 77
N 78 78
O 79 79
P 80 80
Q 81 81
R 82 82
S 83 83
T 84 84
U 85 85
V 86 86
W 87 87
X 88 88
Y 89 89
Z 90 90
0 48 48
1 49 49
2 50 50
3 51 51
4 52 52
5 53 53
6 54 54
7 55 55
8 56 56
9 57 57
a 65 97
b 66 98
c 67 99
d 68 100
e 69 101
f 70 102
g 71 103
h 72 104
i 73 105
j 74 106
k 75 107
l 76 108
m 77 109
n 78 110
o 79 111
p 80 112
q 81 113
r 82 114
s 83 115
t 84 116
u 85 117
v 86 118
w 87 119
x 88 120
y 89 121
z 90 122

Keys on the numeric keypad

The following table lists the keys on a numeric keypad, with the corresponding key code values that are used to identify the keys in ActionScript:
Numeric keypad key Key code ASCII key code
Numpad 0 96 48
Numpad 1 97 49
Numpad 2 98 50
Numpad 3 99 51
Numpad 4 100 52
Numpad 5 101 53
Numpad 6 102 54
Numpad 7 103 55
Numpad 8 104 56
Numpad 9 105 57
Multiply 106 42
Add 107 43
Enter 13 13
Subtract 109 45
Decimal 110 46
Divide 111 47

Function keys

The following table lists the function keys on a standard keyboard, with the corresponding key code values that are used to identify the keys in ActionScript:
Function key Key code ASCII key code
F1 112 0
F2 113 0
F3 114 0
F4 115 0
F5 116 0
F6 117 0
F7 118 0
F8 119 0
F9 120 0
F10 This key is reserved by the system and cannot be used in ActionScript. This key is reserved by the system and cannot be used in ActionScript.
F11 122 0
F12 123 0
F13 124 0
F14 125 0
F15 126 0

Other keys

The following table lists keys on a standard keyboard other than letters, numbers, numeric keypad keys, or function keys, with the corresponding key code values that are used to identify the keys in ActionScript:
Key Key code ASCII key code
Backspace 8 8
Tab 9 9
Enter 13 13
Shift 16 0
Control 17 0
Caps Lock 20 0
Esc 27 27
Spacebar 32 32
Page Up 33 0
Page Down 34 0
End 35 0
Home 36 0
Left Arrow 37 0
Up Arrow 38 0
Right Arrow 39 0
Down Arrow 40 0
Insert 45 0
Delete 46 127
Num Lock 144 0
ScrLk 145 0
Pause/Break 19 0
; : 186 59
= + 187 61
- _ 189 45
/ ? 191 47
` ~ 192 96
[ { 219 91
\ | 220 92
] } 221 93
" ' 222 39
, 188 44
. 190 46
/ 191 47

이 외의 키들은 아래의 액션스크립트를 통해 찾을 수 있습니다.

빈 문서를 작성한 후 액션스크립트를 입력, 테스트 무비를 하신 후에 원하는 키를 입력하시면 Output 패널을 통해 해당 키를 보실 수 있습니다. ^^

var keyListener:Object = new Object();
keyListener.onKeyDown = function() {
    trace("DOWN -> Code: " + Key.getCode() + "\tACSII: " + Key.getAscii() + "\tKey: " + chr(Key.getAscii()));